Cool gift for the health nut

jump ropeDo you have someone in your life that loves to exercise and loves the cool new gadgets, well check out the ropeless jumprope. It’s a jump rope system that doesn’t use rope. It features LCD Display for Jumps, Calorie Counter, Timer, User Profile, Target Mode, Key Guard, and Auto Shut-off. It also comes with insertable weights for each handle.

You can buy it on this site.

Eco-fashion gift for a girl

handbagHow bout giving your friend / girlfreind a eco-fashion statement ? Ecoist handbags are one-of-a-kind, handmade items made from recycled and eco-friendly materials.   Buy a bag, plant a tree.

This large Movie Billboard Bag is perfect for work or going out at night.   It fits her cellphone, iPod, magazines, wallet, keys, make-up, shades, and even more stuff. It’s got extra compartments inside for coins, pens, etc.

You can buy it on this site